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Ecotype Project Virtual Farm Tour!

If you purchased some of our amazing Native Ecotype Plants at the plant sale…or if you are interested in buying Ecotype Native Plants at our upcoming early fall plant sale, you will want to go on this zoom tour and learn about the creation of this first generation of wild collected CT natives!

This is a free Zoom brought to you by CT NOFA.

Join us as we learn about wild seed collection, propagation and what makes the Ecotype Project so very special!

Featured on the tour will be: 

Geordie Elkins

Lead Seed Collector | Ecotype Project from Highstead

*including a pre-recorded tour of process of seed collection --> propagation 

Jean Linville

Founder plot Coordinator | Ecotype Project  of the Hickories 

*including a pre-recorded tour of founder plots 

Live Q & A during the program.